2023-07-12 18:11:29


生物质锅炉可以大致分为以下三类: 名列前茅类:小型生物质热能锅炉此种锅炉使用固化或气化的生物质燃料,提供热水形式的热能,它的优点是体积小,结构简单,价格低;缺点是,能量损耗大,燃料消耗量大,热能供给量低,无法满足热能需求量大的用户,该种锅炉目标为单户农村家庭的取暖和生活热水的供给。


第三类:中型生物质热能锅炉此类锅炉主要使用固化生物质燃料,提供热水或蒸汽它的优点是技术比较成熟,能量损耗小,热能供给能力较强;缺点是部分锅炉燃料结焦,配套设计不合理中译英: The so-called biomass, means including plant materials and animal waste and other organic substances, such as straw, rice husk, fuel, biological waste through the special processing equipment for processing after the formation of a certain shape containing a heat material. Reflected in the boiler industry, which mainly includes biomass steam boiler, hot water boiler, hot-blast stove of biomass biomass, biomass thermal oil boiler.。

Biomass boiler can be roughly divided into the following three categories: First class: biomass energy boiler. The boiler using a curing or gasification of biomass fuels, water forms of heat, it has the advantages of small volume, simple structure, low price; drawback is, the energy loss is big, fuel consumption, heat supply is low, unable to meet the energy demand of the user, the boiler target is a single rural households the heating and domestic hot water supply.

Second categories: large biomass thermal boiler. This kind of boiler at present and no actual products, is the main reason of the existing technology is not perfect, and the substitution of biomass coal national policy is not perfect, therefore, only stay in concept. It emphasizes is a kind of centralized management, centralized control of thermal energy engineering, boiler only as one of the equipment, to ensure the normal operation of biomass thermal engineering, therefore, it for fuel, combustion technology, supporting technology, relevant policy requirements of high.

Third: biomass thermal medium boiler. The main use of solidified biomass fuel boiler, hot water or steam. It has the advantage of the technology is more mature, less energy loss, energy supply ability; drawback is part of the boiler fuel coking, supporting the design is not reasonable.

